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Concierge Nursing

Personalized and professional concierge nursing care is designed to support patients pre and post-operatively.

This service provides in-home hands-on care that is efficient, convenient and promotes healing so that you can achieve optimal wellness. With continuity of care you can ensure the best possible outcomes for yourself or your family member.


Vital Sign Monitoring

The reason vital sign monitoring includes the word vital, is because the measurements provide critical information about your body’s basic functions. With proper monitoring you can be assured that your body is healing well and any possible issues will be caught early.

Basic Wound/Dressing Care

Proper wound care prevents infection and other complications, and it accelerates the healing process while minimizing scarring

Catheter Care

Professional catheter care reduces the incidence of urinary tract infection and improves your comfort levels.

Wound Drainage Care

Proper wound drainage care is critical to the healing process. It supports regeneration and lessens inflammation.

Client/Family Clinical Education

Providing clinical education ensures better outcomes by helping everyone understand what’s required.

Patient Discharge Instruction Review

I’ll spend time going over the clinical instructions in detail with you.

Pre/Post Operative IV Hydration Infusions and Vitamin Injections

Accelerate your healing with IV Hydration that is infused with exactly what your body requires to achieve optimal health.

Receive personalized care and achieve optimal wellness.

IV Hydration Therapy

Intravenous hydration therapy is an integrative treatment method that delivers essential hydration, vitamins, and nutrients directly to your bloodstream. Depending on the blend, IV hydration can yield a wide range of health benefits.

A faster, more comfortable recovery is definitely a perk of vitamin infused iv therapy — but that’s not all. IV hydration also promotes overall health and wellness, so you can feel your best even while stuck on bed rest.


Choose from a pre-formulated drip or have one custom blended.

IV Blue

The Myers’ Cocktail

— $130 —

Named after the late Dr. John Myers who developed this amazing blend to alleviate numerous medical conditions including depression, asthma, migraines, fatigue, fibromyalgia, muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, allergies, cardiovascular disease, and other disorders.

Ingredients: 1 Liter of Fluids, Magnesium, B Vitamins, Calcium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B12.

IV Blue 2

Immunity Drip

— $149 —

This blend of fluids, antioxidants, and vitamins cleanses your body and supports your immune system so you can ward off common colds, flu, and other unpleasant ailments.

Ingredients: 1 Liter of Fluids, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin B Complex.

IV Blue 3

Hydration Drip

— $125 —

This basic hydration drip revives your body by reversing the debilitating symptoms of dehydration such as headache, nausea, fatigue, etc.

Ingredients: Normal Saline.

IV Grey

Energy Drip

— $135 —

Give your body a boost with this blend that helps you to feel energized, revitalized, and alert.

Ingredients: 1 Liter of Fluids, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B Complex, and Vitamin C.

IV Blue

The Myers’ Cocktail

— $130 —

Named after the late Dr. John Myers who developed this amazing blend to alleviate numerous medical conditions including depression, asthma, migraines, fatigue, fibromyalgia, muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, allergies, cardiovascular disease, and other disorders.

Ingredients: 1 Liter of Fluids, Magnesium, B Vitamins, Calcium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B12.

IV Blue 2

Immunity Drip

— $149 —

This blend of fluids, antioxidants, and vitamins cleanses your body and supports your immune system so you can ward off common colds, flu, and other unpleasant ailments.

Ingredients: 1 Liter of Fluids, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin B Complex.

IV Blue 3

Hydration Drip

— $125 —

This basic hydration drip revives your body by reversing the debilitating symptoms of dehydration such as headache, nausea, fatigue, etc.

Ingredients: Normal Saline.

IV Grey

Energy Drip

— $135 —

Give your body a boost with this blend that helps you to feel energized, revitalized, and alert.

Ingredients: 1 Liter of Fluids, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B Complex, and Vitamin C.

I offer boosters to customize your drip to your exact wellness needs.

These include:

Vitamin B12 - $15

This powerhouse vitamin is responsible for DNA production, red blood cell formation, and nervous system upkeep. After surgery, extra vitamin B12 in your system can help your body produce more red blood cells and speed up the healing process.

Vitamin B12 - $15

This powerhouse vitamin is responsible for DNA production, red blood cell formation, and nervous system upkeep. After surgery, extra vitamin B12 in your system can help your body produce more red blood cells and speed up the healing process.

Vitamin C - $20
Antioxidant strengthens the immune system, antiviral, helps combat fatigue and common illnesses.  The antioxidant properties help to reduce swelling after surgery. Vitamin C is also critical for collagen production, which can help repair tissue and skin cells.
Glutathione - $35/$45

600mg for $35 or 1000mg for $45
Powerful antioxidant that protects health by detoxing and cleansing the liver. Improves immune system function, reduces toxins, reduces inflammation, and synthesizes collagen.

Toradol - $15
Perfect for short term management of moderately severe pain.
Pepcid - $15
Helps reduce stomach acid in people with heartburn and GERD.
B Complex - $30
Increase energy levels, promote deeper sleep, improve mental clarity, enhance complexion and strengthen hair and nails.

Replenish, rejuvenate and restore with an IV infusion blend, they’re loaded with essential minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and electrolytes designed to support your optimal health.


Injections provide your body with concentrated doses of nutrients that are delivered directly to your bloodstream for near-immediate results. They’re a quick and effective way to improve your energy, mood, metabolism, mental clarity, immune system, and more!

Tri-Immune Boost ~ $35

A combination of Glutathione, Vitamin C, and Zinc. This injection supports the cellular function of your immune system while decreasing symptoms and recovery time, allowing you to return to baseline faster or help bolster your immune system against potential illness.

Vitamin B-12 ~ $20

This potent injection impacts your mood, energy, quality of sleep, immune system, metabolism, and mental clarity. It’s a powerhouse vitamin responsible for DNA production, red blood cell formation, and nervous system upkeep.

Glutathione ~ $25

The mother of antioxidants, glutathione is great for the body. It’s naturally produced by the liver and can be depleted as we age. It supports muscle and tissue repair, liver function, improves skin elasticity, helps to improve insulin resistance, reduces cell damage in fatty liver, and reduces oxidative stress.

High Dose Vitamin C ~ $20

Helps revitalize a weakened immune system, combat common colds, flu, allergies, muscle aches, and fatigue.

Vitamin D3 ~ 25,000iu $25 or 50,000iu $35

This vitamin strengthens bones and muscles, enhances immune system function, improves mood, and reduces inflammation. Recommended for people experiencing depression, fatigue, and muscle weakness.

Lipo-B ~ $30

The Lipo-B shot contains methionine, inositol, choline, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B6. Methionine is an amino acid that plays a critical role in metabolism while also offering improved skin elasticity and strengthened hair and nails. Inositol supports your cells structures, efficiency of your nervous system while also helping with mood, appetite, and accelerated weight loss/fat reduction. Choline helps to regulate mood, memory, muscle control as well as many other functions. Vitamin B12 and B6 work beautifully together to improve brain function and support your metabolism in the processing of fats and carbohydrates.

I look forward to providing you and your family with the best personalized care available.