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Sommer Singletary

The owner of Transcendence Health & Wellness is an RN whose dedicated her career to making a difference in people’s lives. Known for her enthusiasm, empathy, and expertise, Sommer’s focus is on achieving optimal results. Optimal results in her own life and for those she serves. She’s the first person in her family to graduate from High School, graduate from University, buy a home, and pursue entrepreneurship.

Sommer believes that optimal health is achieved with a hands-on approach and providing in-home care allows her plenty of time to tend to her clients. Preparing for and recovering from surgery, regardless of the type, can be physically and emotionally challenging for both the patient and their family members. Concierge nursing can alleviate that stress, providing skilled care with compassion. It may not be possible for family members to take care of their loved one, or they may need professional help. That’s where Transcendence Health and Wellness comes in.

Receiving the support you need so that you can prepare and heal in the comfort of your own home is priceless.

About IV Hydration Therapy

By offering IV hydration therapy and vitamin injections the healing process can be accelerated. Surgery puts your body through significant trauma. During recovery, your body uses lots of energy to repair tissue and restore your health. So it’s beneficial to support those efforts with hydration, essential vitamins and minerals infused directly into your bloodstream.

Dehydration is a common side effect people experience after surgery. This can be caused by vomiting or simply because it’s too uncomfortable to get up and get a glass of water. Dehydration can make recovery more difficult, as water is essential for many bodily processes. IV Infusions flood your cells with a large variety of vitamins and minerals that are tailored to your specific needs.

Vitamin infused IV hydration therapy makes a difference, giving your body the extra support it needs to recover. Each infusion delivers 1000 ccs of fluids, vitamins, minerals, supplements, and medications when necessary.

Some of the best supplements to promote healing after surgery include:

Vitamin C

This vitamin has antioxidant properties, helping to reduce swelling after surgery. Vitamin C is also critical for collagen production, which can help repair tissue and skin cells.

Vitamin B12

This vitamin is essential for red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function, and the production of DNA. After surgery, extra vitamin B12 in your system can help your body produce more red blood cells and speed up the healing process.

Enhance your recovery with IV hydration therapy and achieve optimal wellness.